Circular Benefits
We were approached by a team of entrepreneurs who had a vision to develop an employer benefits platform unlike any other on the market. Having connections with some of the biggest brands in the UK, the team had already secured huge investment and commercial partnership.
Together, we developed a brand and a SaaS application that rationalised the entire business strategy, giving scope for scalability and future growth.
Brand Identity
In accordance with the Circular Benefits team naming and brand strategy, we developed an identity that would allow for growth and to accommodate for employer brands.
It was important that the logo emblem initialled the title within a concise mark. Bringing together the two words under one symbol allowed the brand to be flexible when used throughout different touchpoints.
Alignment creates order, clarity, and balance, guiding the viewer’s eye and making information easily digestible. We were keen to promote the idea of professionalism, credibility, and togetherness, leading to effective communication and successful design outcomes.
Visual Assets Development
We wanted to create a comprehensive visual style for the brand, allowing for characters and other visual assets to deliver the brand tone. It was important to maintain a sense of approachability and inclusivity for employees to engage with.

The Software
We developed an innovative cloud-based platform that streamlined the whole process for employers offering benefits to their employees. People can browse and apply to hundreds of offers including salary sacrifice schemes, online discounts, and exclusive vouchers. The fulfilment of applications are processed directly by partnering brands and financers within the platform – the invoicing, necessary compliance documentation, dynamic data files and much more is all produced and processed by the software.
Intelligent Data Processing
We supported Circular Benefits with innovative marketing solutions that raised awareness to registered users, developing eye-catching branded emails with dynamic content based on their employers’ subscriptions. People are made aware of up-coming application windows, new offers and much more via email & SMS. All steps within the system trigger alerts to relevant parties to ensure that all applications are handled quickly by employers, financers and suppliers.
Seamless integration with partners
We collaborated with partner brands to brings exclusive offers to platform from other systems. We implemented SAML 2.0, which enables systems to securely authenticate users on other systems without requiring them to sign in again. Circular Benefits can redirect employees to partner sites, bringing them more exclusive offers and deals transparently which makes for a great user-experience.
The team at Motto have been instrumental in helping us launch our new venture. The quality and high standard of their work has been exceptional and has really helped set us apart from our competitors. The guys are great to work with and we look forward to a long and enjoyable relationship.
_Warren Lunt | Co-Founder, Circular Benefits